This page is not intended to be a forum for general queries on banks or banking. However, if you are not sure where to ask your question, do so here – but it will be moved to a more appropriate location. This is to make it easier for those reading the site to follow any discussion.
What is a Bank?
In this blog I use the term “bank” to have its normal meaning in (financial) English – a bank is an institution that accepts banking deposits from the general public and makes loans. In Australia these institutions are regulated by APRA under the Banking Act 1959 (Cth). In Australia, these are the only institutions allowed to use certain terms – “Bank”, “Building Society”, “Credit Union” or a few other terms covered in the legislation. The rest of the discussion on this is highly technical and really not worth covering here.
Why are youtube / google videos not on the front page?
I got a couple of comments hat, for those with slower connections, the main page was loading really slowly if they were there. I have therefore adopted a policy of always giving them an intro and then having the video itself over the fold.
Is this blog supported by any of the major banks or any of the professional firms?
While all of the people who post articles will be risk management professionals, it is not the goal of this blog to be endorsed or supported by any of the banks or firms. This allows us to be independent of all of the banks and firms, to be as honest as the law allows us to be about our opinions and discussions to be held amongst our peers.
Can we rely on any of the articles or comments here?
No. Only pronouncements from APRA (the Australian Prudential and Regulatory Authority), the BCBS (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision) or the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) or, if you are outside Australia, your home regulator, can be regarded as authoritative.
What use is this blog, then?
This is purely intended to be a forum for discussion – nothing more. We will also endeavour to keep you informed of what is happening in the industry as it happens, but we will take no responsibility if something of importance to you is missed. We will try to help, but we can do no more than that.
Can we get in contact with the authors?
If you put your email address in the “email” line and ask us to contact you, we will. Otherwise, use the address on the “Authors” page.
Will you contact us or pass on our details to anyone else?
Unless compelled to do so by a court of law in a recognised jurisdiction, no.
We would expect this to happen only in a case where possibly libellous statements or information relating to criminal activity are posted. Other than that, we will not contact you unless you ask us to.
Can I comment anonymously?
You can use whatever name you choose for your comments. Your email address, as a matter of courtesy, should be a real one for you, but we have no way of checking this and we would only use it in the circumstances outlined above.
I think I can contribute articles to this site. Can I join?
If you leave a comment on this page and email address, as above, we will contact you and discuss what contributions you can make. You would normally need to have a good history in risk management in Australia or overseas.
Great blog – can I get one?
Go here – yes, this is a
shameless plug.
Comments feed for this article
19 August, 2006 at 03:06
Question moved to LGD Floor discussion
14 September, 2006 at 23:36
Message Board « Risk Management in Australia
[…] FAQ […]
20 September, 2006 at 22:33
Katherine Fluke
It would be great to talk to you, but I’d rather do it over e-mail. Excellent blog you have – please get into touch.
9 January, 2007 at 21:42
asa mark
Question moved to Basel II – Implications for borrowers
12 January, 2007 at 18:22
Angus Blundell
Question moved to stress testing article
29 January, 2007 at 16:03
Marcus MacLean
It would be great to talk to you as well, but I’d rather do it over e-mail. Excellent blog you have – please get in touch.
Kind regards
18 August, 2007 at 05:51
Eulas Boyd
I am looking for someone with experience in Basel II to join our firm in New York. Would you be willing to give any referrals? As you can imagine it has been difficult locating people with this experience.
18 August, 2007 at 10:51
I am not surprised. The marketability of people with Basel II skills in the US must have jumped a lot in the last few weeks. Any specific areas you are looking for?